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Pediatric tests specialty centers


Experts in children’s
blood tests

Our team of especially trained professionals is ready to support and care for our young brave patients as they deserve.


Recognition to our young
brave patients

After the blood draw, all children receive a certificate acknowledging their courage.


How to prepare children for testing.
Your help is extremely important.

Explain them what to expect, always according to the child’s age.
This talk should happen within 24 hours prior to testing.
Tell them who is requesting the tests, and why it is important to have them.

Tell them that it is mild puncture and that it won’t take long.
Explain the importance of their collaboration for a quick and safe procedure, and to reduce any discomforts.

  • Discussing the subject if your child shows no interest.
  • Deceiving the child to get their collaboration.
  • Telling your negative personal experiences –either through gestures, silence or by taking their feelings for granted.
At home blood draws